breaking up is hard to do....

A month ago my class needed intervention, they were going through interpersonal issues, and I as the instructor, and they as the students were butting heads.  Since then it has mellowed down, but we still have a very dysfunctional relationship compared to my past classes...due in part to some learning disabilities, some attitudes, some psychosis, and well...its complicated.

During the bad times, I had brought up to my boss how I wanted to move to days when my night tour ended.  And lo and behold it is happening sooner than later.  I start mids later this month...with a fairly new we are struggling to find instructors.  I hadn't told my class, because most of the time lately they have been jerks...and in the past, during interventions, I have asked them if they wanted some other teacher...and they have always said no.

But now it has been taken out of our hands...and they are sad.

I did drop the bomb on them like an asshole...when they were all grumpy today and griping about our difficult meat fabrication test...I told them they would never have to worry about a hard test again...because I was leaving.  They got real quiet...and real sad...

I'm sad too...but only a little...I am excited about a new batch of minds...and a chance to get settled newly now that I know what mistakes not to make at this school.

Win Win for me...
maybe not so much for them...


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