Yesterday was a day off yet the season of lists is upon us so I sat drinking mocha at a local cafe and compiled several. What to prep when, what needs to be special ordered, what recipes need to be compiled, what can be frozen in advance., when to have special order forms ready, what to replace in cases, equipment needs and, the inevitable, prep list.
I love prep lists, mis en place, whatever you want to call them. It is soul satisfying to cross items off and the days when it is one sheet with lines through everything are joyous. Of course, the carryover happens more often than not. The beauty of the carryover is that, for me anyway, it tends to be the administrative crap that is not accomplished while to physical food needs are completed. This is supposed to be the primary part of my day anyway (I think, truth is, I have no idea what my job description really is anymore, that hanging nebulous phrase- 'anything else the department manager asks'- is a stroke of genius on the part of HR) and lately, it sort of has been.
While I lamented the arrival of November, the reality is that I am thrilled it's here. This is the food I love. We are going to be filling cases, containers, pie tins, pastry boxes, ovens, walk-ins, shelves, every possible surface. What does this mean in the short term. It's ok to put aside the paper work! A few months of freedom from sitting at the desk banging at inventory, invoices, reviews, the stuff we want to avoid though it has to get done somehow. Hello long days of being on my feet cooking and inventing. So glad to have you here.
I love prep lists, mis en place, whatever you want to call them. It is soul satisfying to cross items off and the days when it is one sheet with lines through everything are joyous. Of course, the carryover happens more often than not. The beauty of the carryover is that, for me anyway, it tends to be the administrative crap that is not accomplished while to physical food needs are completed. This is supposed to be the primary part of my day anyway (I think, truth is, I have no idea what my job description really is anymore, that hanging nebulous phrase- 'anything else the department manager asks'- is a stroke of genius on the part of HR) and lately, it sort of has been.
While I lamented the arrival of November, the reality is that I am thrilled it's here. This is the food I love. We are going to be filling cases, containers, pie tins, pastry boxes, ovens, walk-ins, shelves, every possible surface. What does this mean in the short term. It's ok to put aside the paper work! A few months of freedom from sitting at the desk banging at inventory, invoices, reviews, the stuff we want to avoid though it has to get done somehow. Hello long days of being on my feet cooking and inventing. So glad to have you here.