sorry things have been amiss here on the blog lately. Due to every chefs complaint...working too much.
I am trying to arrange my schedule so that I get more time with my daughter, i.e. every other weekend off. So, in order to make that happen I usually have to work a long stretch in between, like 10 or 11 days...no big deal right? Sure.
Now add to that the fact that I am working 2 jobs now...and now its a little longer...
And then add to that that the first job starts at 630am, and the night job usually doesn't end until 1130pm or midnight...and add a 1/2 hour commute at the beginning and end...and well you get the picture...18 hour days and all.
So anyway..I have not had time to do errands, relax, spend time with the SO, or do the blogging thing...
Works are good...I am spending more time at the bakery in our deli than baking any bread...but I am helping to get things in line and organizing walk ins and working or order guides and doing the stuff that needs to be ironed out. Hopefully we just hired a new overnight bread baker...the one we had sucked...and we will be doing more artisan breads...and I can help.
The night job is going well also...busy and then not busy though...summer is a rough season here because it is so hot...and people don't want to eat early and so instead we get hit all at one and really late...with one or two exceptions we have had some really great nights of business.
I have been getting shuffled up and down the line as I continue to train. I worked the oak grill and the saute station over the last two weeks. The CdC and I have been having a conversation about spending more time on each station. He likes to rotate a lot...I, having not worked other stations very much, like to spend time on each one so that I get it down, before I move on to the next. So we'll see what happens.
Off this weekend and then not so long of stretches this week...I am trying to split days up so that I am not running my self ragged.
I am trying to arrange my schedule so that I get more time with my daughter, i.e. every other weekend off. So, in order to make that happen I usually have to work a long stretch in between, like 10 or 11 days...no big deal right? Sure.
Now add to that the fact that I am working 2 jobs now...and now its a little longer...
And then add to that that the first job starts at 630am, and the night job usually doesn't end until 1130pm or midnight...and add a 1/2 hour commute at the beginning and end...and well you get the picture...18 hour days and all.
So anyway..I have not had time to do errands, relax, spend time with the SO, or do the blogging thing...
Works are good...I am spending more time at the bakery in our deli than baking any bread...but I am helping to get things in line and organizing walk ins and working or order guides and doing the stuff that needs to be ironed out. Hopefully we just hired a new overnight bread baker...the one we had sucked...and we will be doing more artisan breads...and I can help.
The night job is going well also...busy and then not busy though...summer is a rough season here because it is so hot...and people don't want to eat early and so instead we get hit all at one and really late...with one or two exceptions we have had some really great nights of business.
I have been getting shuffled up and down the line as I continue to train. I worked the oak grill and the saute station over the last two weeks. The CdC and I have been having a conversation about spending more time on each station. He likes to rotate a lot...I, having not worked other stations very much, like to spend time on each one so that I get it down, before I move on to the next. So we'll see what happens.
Off this weekend and then not so long of stretches this week...I am trying to split days up so that I am not running my self ragged.