
new burn meets old burn
fusing together in scar and scab
three days of baking means that my arms hit hot edges

seven days of working means that i begin to fade
there is no back up no back up for 10 days
you are missed

seven days ago i drove north
to where i used to live
to a rented farmhouse with pig and chicken and love

and i cooked
cooked inside outside in the dark in the light
and people came to witness

the perfection of two in a long lasting moment
an hour before it began
i called in orders

and then i walked up the hill
to watch and listen and laugh and feel
and then we all walked back down

and we ate
i did not have to clean that night
instead i got to watch and listen and laugh and feel

next morning back into black and white
six days ago i drove south
to where i live now

it seems like it has been a long week
not remembering when one day becomes another
not sure what station is mine today

that perfection was not fleeting
i keep reading about it in various forms
i want some part of it to be my own


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