cooking now

"Cooking is about sacrifice, and dedication, and telling hundreds of complete strangers that you love them, every night. And cooking is knowing that almost none of them will say it back."

richie has an interesting dissertation over on linecook about what cooking is...

What cooking is.

I agree and disagree...I do believe that being a professional chef is a lifestyle choice...I have said it before here...

a lifestyle

but I agree with what he says about a lot of things...

"You should never take any credit, for anything. This does not mean you should act like a martyr; everyone has worked with the martyr cook, and he/she is always a complete asshole. "

Having been that martyr cook/asshole...well, I don't want to be there anymore...

"Cooking is a place to prove yourself. Cooking is a place to connect with people you would otherwise never know. You should hate cooking sometimes. Jolts of frustration and anger and sadness should crawl right into your bones. And they should stay there--a constant reminder that this is not a game. "


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