something about

Eating what grows in your yard, talking to cooks, getting to be comfortable with the fact that I see the same faces every day and can trust some of them, being a hermit, teaching, (hopefully) getting to speak Spanish in the kitchen again, sitting at home thinking, being excited. Something about all of these things that makes me so very content to have made the changes I did almost a year ago.

Was it rough? Absolutely. Moved to where I am now for a position I was ready to walk out of in the first five minutes. Five minutes! Someone in the place went and staged there this past weekend to be the chef. Took time off from the full time gig to check it out. First thing I wanted to know when I went in on Tuesday was the report; will we be losing you? It's nice to have one's impressions verified. None of my usual sources saw what/where/how/why of what I was doing there. Now I feel that one who has my perspective can share in the shite show I lived for mere weeks before bailing. Still the best choice ever.

The best thing about where I am now? The list carries over every day and I know that sometime- SOON- it will all be dealt with before walking out at day's end. Till then, it will carry over and grow and morph and flex depending on the given number of hours. Flex is a big word in my vocabulary these days. Biggest issue? The 'f' key is sticky on my board and I had not realized until recently how often it is used. Suggestions?

What does all this have to do with something about? Nothing except that it is something about which my mind is wrapped. It is wrapped about all kinds of topics these days with many side winders taking me into minor estuaries. This seems to be happening more often these days- bones to gnaw. More of them to follow undoubtedly, such as, how may times did I need the sticky letter in this post?


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