eating patterns

One of my goals, when I finally grow up, is to really and truly eat better than I currently do. This is not the first time I have addressed the situation, nor will it likely be the last. I fully admit- I am lazy. Put meat and bread in front of me and I am happy. Vegetables? Fruit? I may be in danger of developing scurvy, which has pretty much disappeared from the world. I am far too good at playing the game of waiting to eat something substantial until I feel that I will vomit if I don't put something solid in my body. Not a good habit to embrace.

Several years ago someone far smarter than me said that if there you are smaller, there will be less space for the pain. A lesson I think I have taken far too much to heart. I am not necessarily smaller then I have been in the past, I just find it to be ever increasingly true. Am I in pain? Not at all. Am I unhappy? Nope. Am I going through some kind of catharsis? That is close to the truth. This getting used to the same people around me every day is (still) an interesting proposition and reality. And it brings me back to the bread/meat/cheese situation. This is the majority of what I eat.

Is it good? Was it happy? Who made it? What hour do I eat it? (It would be nice to ingest food before midnight.) How much sugar? Carbs? Protein? Nutrients? We spend all this time feeding others that feeding ourselves often (far too often) becomes an afterthought. Just like exercise or paying the bills. What does it take for cooks to feed themselves so that we survive as well? I have no idea. Suggestions are most welcome.

Meanwhile... I continue to think about what I should be eating, what my body is craving (citrus these days, or juice, weird in the middle of winter, or just a big pile of collards), appropriate for the season or simply how to get better food (read healthy) in my life. Enough babble. Maybe I just need to cotton to the reality that part of life is to simply eat. For tonight- hello cheese steak....


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