through the future
So we had an election...the outcome was predictable and the difference will be negligible, I feel. Does it matter who won? We shall see, but as I have said in the past, the man with the most money makes the rules...and where did that man get all his money? Those are the real people who make the rules.
proposition 8...WTF?!?!?! I cam across a picture...maybe you have seen know, those old signs that used to say water fountain...whites here...colored there? Well the picture was one that was modified to fit today. Straight here...gays there. So WTF?!?!?! We are going back to the 1800s? Or to the sixties? Or the eighties? Here is a story...
When I was growing up, I went to the church of christ. you know, the super conservative bible thumping you are all going to hell CofC. My parents and the majority of my family still attend the same church. And still believe the same thing. I did too...until I went to Europe for the summer and then came back to bible belt Texas and got my first restaurant job...I was very active in the youth group, went to church 3 times a week, was active in the college ministry, had thought about becoming a youth minister, had been to summer camps, etc....and I was very against homosexuals. In fact I was very homophobic, almost to the point of gay bashing. Then a few jobs later...I began to work across the line from a lesbian, and a very gay male server. And we bumped heads.
Not saying I was perfect....far from it. I was a hypocrite much like everyone else in churches (yes I mean plural). I smoke, I drank, I cursed like a cook, I slept around...well that came later, but you know...I was straight lace on Sunday and not so much the rest of the time. But I bashed these two more than anyone else...maybe not so much Kelley, who I made piece with, but would still curse out if I had the chance...was it about the job or about the lifestyle? who knows; and then there was Chad...I had it as my sworn duty as a gay hater to make Chad cry at every opportunity. And I did. And I got in trouble for it...and I did it again.
Am I proud of it? No...did I learn form it? Yes and heres why...
One day, I am walking down the line and I hear Chad say something about music...talking about someone I like...and so, instead of bashing him, I actually start a conversation...and you know what? he was a person...just like me!...with thoughts and feelings and hopes and dreams and fears...JUST LIKE ME!!!! Who knew?!?!
After that realization...we developed a great friendship for the rest of the time I was in college...we had our own circle of friends, we partied together, we roommated for a while...and you know what...I have never felt uncomfortable in the presence of a homosexual again. In fact, I feel more comfortable around them than I do around a lot of straight people. Am I gay? No...Do I support them...HELL YES!!!!
Why?!?!? Because they are just like me!!!! And just like you!!! And we all deserve the same opportunities, freedoms, rights, and hopes and dreams.
Gay parents are probably more likely to care for their children in an open and up front manner; and make better parents....they definitely seem to have us 'straight' people beat when it comes to holding on to LTRs...
And you know what...I respect them...more than any other 'group' of peoples that I have been in contact with...the homosexuals that have bounced into and out of my life are the ones who are most interesting, most liberated, most likely to have an affect on me.
If you want to hate on someone...why dont you hate on stupid people!!! There seems to be no lack of them? Oh wait, you haters are the stupid apologies....
So, what does all this have to do with being a chef? Because you have to have an open mind and an open was the restaurant business that taught me that. It taught me to accept people for who they does'nt matter about your lifestyle, as long as you others have said might hate the guy you are next to on the line becuase he stole your girlfriend/boyfriend or your car or whatever, but right now on the line, in the rush, he is your best friend and your brother.