plans delayed

The problem with putting off holidays with family (especially living in the Northeast) is that you suddenly find yourself at the mercy of weather and train/bus schedules when trying to avoid driving. Thanksgiving is planned for Tuesday with the cousin and his lady at their new place in Canada. Now it looks like the snow will be right shitey and I am one of those people who really does not like driving, let alone driving in snow. Don't get me wrong, I can do it; I just hate the bare knuckle whiteness that is inevitably the end result. Hence, living walking distance to work and not investing in snow tires. I'll drive once the streets are plowed, thank you very much. Dilemma. Really want to see the toad and the wood burning oven and cook food and eat together. I also have an important thing going on at work Wednesday and cannot afford to call out due to weather or anything else for that matter.

Can I convince them to come here? Kind of defeats the purpose of seeing the off grid house and all it's glories. Put off turkey till Spring? Seems kind of silly. Perhaps it will become the Easter lamb roast instead. There is little likelihood my oven will fit what is planned regardless. Maybe, just maybe, the snow will hold off and allow this to happen. If not? Here is one more event put off. It's just a thing, just a meal, just a visit. Apropos of these thoughts, check out what Marcella Hazan has to say about the use of 'chef'.
Something to think about and make me thankful that it is not currently the title I carry.


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