big pink elephant

Been thinking a lot about chef's post about becoming accustomed to the life choices of other people. Spent my weekend back in the old turf seeing the peeps, eating, drinking, watching movies, looking at the world from the window on high. Relaxing? Not really. Satisfying? Immensely. It is so telling to observe the people you know who you think know you in their daily excursions, in this case, implosions. So much soap 'operaness' I cannot even put it all down; especially since there was a concerted decision to not be involved. That pink elephant though...

Have I ever been witness to two people who so clearly love each other and are so committed to effing it up? Talking, confusion, stories, cheating, kissing, eating, fucking, taking care of a new pet, packing, evaluating, analyzing- overdoing this piece is the common thread. So much thought going into what should be a simple act. I hope they figure it out.

To bring it back to chef and his post; all that runs through my head is a paraphrase from one of my favorite singers- Michael Franti, he defines the simpleness of it with grace. 'It's not about who you love; it's all about do you love'. Here's to each and every one finding a part of that which makes our souls sing.


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