big fun

New experiment at work with all the attempts to develop what people should want to eat. We got duck! Whole, beautiful, fatty ducks that came in at $2.50/#. Not sure why the livers were not included... Really though, it is wonderful to be breaking them down, trimming the fat, rendering it, curing the legs with Ruhlman's Asian recipe to be confited tomorrow then to be put in the case as is, turned into cakes, empanadas, egg rolls, who knows what else. It is difficult these days to make sure there are veggie options in the case as we are all so thrilled to be in braising season.

Not to mention, how do you sell this less American of birds in turkey season; we will persevere. Meanwhile, duck cracklins are not a bad snack to have at hand. Still struggling with how to get people to not be lazy and do what they know is the way to do things. The ongoing uphill climb. Easing into change will be an interesting range of options from raging bitch to persuading accomplice. Not sure where it will fall once the dust has settled. There is always duck!


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