Danny Meyer
I have been hoping to get a little motivation and inspiration from the book. My Meyer is the king of service...just check out how many awards he has for excellence in service and hospitality. And since I feel that my 'hospitality' is a little lacking lately, I thought it might be a good read...just like Ruhlman's Soul of a Chef is a good inspiration when I feel that my cooking is a little flat feeling.
I have never really found 'management' books interesting...or gotten through one of them. You know like 7 steps to effective management, or managing with aloha (thats the local 'bible'). I find them dull and not practical, and so I never get in to reading them. And so maybe I have never benefitted from them...what do you think?
I do find some of Meyer's analogies fitting so far...the interaction between guest and proprietor as a 'relationship', in the more personal definition of the word. As in 'I am in a relationship.'
I wish sometimes that Shuna would write a book...more inspiration from her on Eggbeater right now...http://eggbeater.typepad.com/shuna/2008/10/the-weeds-resta.html