new beginings

so today was the first day of a new gig.

at a bakery

and asstd other things shop.

I have learned the lessons of previous posters though and wont name it...but you can probably guess what it is.

It is interesting...working for a former teacher/ co-instructor. I actually saw him go off today on someone who no doubtably deserved it, much like he used to go off on his classes if they were effing around.

It is interesting and varied. Today I worked a smile and interact deli counter making sandwiches. Tomorrow will be shaping and baking breads to fill a big commercial order. So who knows what it will bring.

Might I be doing pastries and what nots? Who knows.

How long will it last? For as long as I can deal with the hours of two we'll see.

For now...


Wow, happy baking! Interesting to see how you find it.

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