
I am a blogger…with a history. Does that mean you should run and hide? Or does it mean that maybe you should find out more?

I had a blog. It was about being a chef, in particular being me as a chef. It was honest and blatant, gruff and brunt, it was unedited and a way for me to rant and discuss things that are important to me. It was beginning to get readership thanks to Shuna and Ruhlman and Lindsey and others who read and respected and inspired. And I was brash enough…or stupid enough to have my identity up and out for all to see; what did I have to hide? And then people at work began to read what I wrote…not the cooks I work with, but the managers and chefs I work with. And they did not always like what I honestly felt about them. And so I have been censored, so to speak. And since then, I have a) been to busy anyway, and b) been a little leary of what I put up on the screen. It has reached a critical mass over the last few weeks with some emotional breakdowns and threatened trips to the dreaded HR department (not about what I have written) but about me in general. So, in order to save some hassle for my self, I have taken my old blog down. AndI was sad for losing all my posts and thoughts and ideas from the last year. But I feel that a fresh start, with a more cautious eye towards my audience, will do me good.

I will still be writing the same style, the same words, but unfortunately for you, well some of you anyway, you wont know who I am. I loved Shuna for putting it all out there. And her post about chefs and bloggers transparency was inspiring to not only me but a whole slew of chefs who write about their daily lives at work. But unfortunately, the transparency has put me in a position where I feel that my ‘voice’ is not me any longer because I fear for the job I don’t always like, and so the move.

The ranting will begin soon.


nice to see you again.
ahhh "traffic." it finds everyone again eventually.

perhaps the anonymity will help you to have a new voice.

perhaps someday we'll talk about this in person.

/and, as you can see, I no longer say the name of where I'm working. and I don't allow my commenters to either.
do i know you? and are you who i think you are?

(how's that for circular logic...)
chef said…
yes you know me...and yes I AM who you think I am...I think...
yes you were who i thought...i take a blogging vacation and, damn, shit happens.

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